Get on board of the OVRSEA adventure

Discover a strong culture based on pedagogy and board one of our offices in Paris, Barcelona, Milan or New York.

Our story & our ambition

Since its creation in 2017 By his 5 co-founders, OVRSEA has set itself the objective of revolutionize a sector as complex as it is ancient : that of the international transport of goods.

Thanks to a A work environment where everyone can thrive On a daily basis, OVRSEA counts today +150 employees in Europe and the United States for support +700 companies in optimizing their transport around the world.


collaborators in Europe and the United States


offices in France, Spain, Italy and the US





Pedagogy at OVRSEA

A core value

Since 2017, Antoine, Arthur, Brieuc, Brieuc, Georges and Mathieu have sought to create a workspace where everyone can learn, transmit and develop professionally and personally.

All the values of OVRSEA - benevolence, requirement, reliability and questioning - derive from a fundamental value that is present on a daily basis at OVRSEA: pedagogy.

Learn Continuously

La oddity being a character trait animating all new OVRSEA recruits, everyone is free to evolve at the same time as the company according to his desires, his abilities and his personal life projects.

Everyone can Increase your skills on its expertise and Continuously learning thanks to:

  • Internal training courses and projects involving different teams
  • External presentations related to our sector of activity
  • Moments of sharing passions or experiences

A fast, fair and transparent recruitment process

Our recruitment process allows each candidate to discuss their skills, values and aspirations while benefiting from continuous feedback.

To join us, you don't need to be a transport expert. You just need to be curious, to want to learn and to share the values of OVRSEA.


First video exchange (30 minutes) with the Talent Acquisition team who will then support you in each of the next steps.


Video interview (1 hour) with your future Manager to ensure that your experience and expectations correspond to the missions of the position.


Practical case to be carried out independently using skills related to the position for which you are applying.


Video interview (1 hour) to discuss the case carried out, OVRSEA and your aspirations.


Speed Recruiting: 30 minutes of free exchanges, in our offices, with 4 people from 4 different teams.


Detailed feedback related to these various exchanges to ensure that the expectations of the candidate and OVRSEA are aligned.


Offer sent!

Customized onboarding


The OVRSEA onboarding process aims to ensure that each new recruit becomes familiar with its missions, its team, the global strategy and The challenges animating the other OVRSEA teams.

During the first 3 weeks, the objective is for everyone to be able to:

  • Discover each of the teams
  • Take daily training workshops
  • Browse documents independently according to your position


The tailor-made onboarding that we have built over the last 4 years is already bearing fruit: out of the 100 employees who joined us in a permanent position (CDI) since 2017, 97% are still working at OVRSEA.

The objective of this essential period is to promote a healthy work environment where everyone can thrive by learning on a daily basis.